Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ever changing...

Ever - Harmony amidst Madness. This apparently would be the name of the movie if ever there was a movie made about me and my very boring life :D

Today Ever did something that she has not done in years.

I know I just spoke of myself in the third person but it had to be done so that it could be understood that this is important stuff. Well today I deleted my text messages. I deleted my texts!!! All 900 or so cause it blocking up my phone... Stupid phone with its horridly small memory...

I was so saddened by my loss (I know it sounds melodramatic but its got to be done) that I had canceled the request about twice before finally getting to it and deleting them all...

Am truly gutted that my messages are all gone. I had some from last year Eid that I had saved cause I liked them.

Well what can you do eh? :'(


Blogger Admin said...

I think you have got a good life with adventure and that is why (according to my limited understanding) you recieve all those nice text messages in your phone and you keep some of those messages becuase you got those nice people out there whose messages matter a lot to you.... So that I'm destined to believe that you're an important, sociable person (not a person with a boring life).

2:44 pm  
Blogger Lonesome Dreamer said...

WOW! 900! :) That's quite a lot of contacts...but don't worry...they may have disappeared from your mobile, but remember, they will be in your heart forever (gag lol).



9:30 pm  
Blogger Hopeless Dreamer said...

woww...mshallah..900..can we switch lives...plzz..i have days and days and no1 sends me anything (me=turns the topic about herself sorry..hehehe))
but yaa..like adbinasir said u must be very social but still...900 MSGZ wowww (again)..OK,,i'll stop now:-)

9:41 am  
Blogger white african said...

ever shock shock horror, you dare delete my text messages to you!!!!

i will hound you with text messages that will block you phone and caus eit to have a coronory.

only kidding hun, its not possible for phones to have heart attacks, they are not alive.

ok soooo of the topic...

11:01 am  
Blogger NATIVE said...

Deleting your messsages huh....u making changes and startin afresh. Good on you....the new messages would also have a special part in your heart....only difference would be that they will represent another side of ur life.

Ok enough said......dont want to get all philosophical and sentimental now.

2:06 pm  
Blogger Ever The Idealist said...

Abdi-Nasir -Thanks for the complement brother. I love my messages but only because I love the people that sent them and because I am a HORDER!

Dreamer - thanks sis. It makes me gag as well how sentimental I am...

Hopeless - its cool to turn things to youself. Its how we deal with things and people.

WA - you are one funny sister. I nearly cried while deleting them. Send me lots nice one IA

Native - you are so right. It was suppose to be about the new start and it feels good to have an empty phone.

12:05 pm  
Blogger NM said...

needed to be done ETI :) i will send you a few so you can start a fresh! love you woman

2:26 pm  

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